the green list (VIP)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You will NOT even believe how UNdumb the world is about to get

There used to be this old lady who worked at a fruit stand by my house that would always yell," DON'T START A LETTER WITH AN APOLOGY!" I have no idea why she felt like that was good advice, but it's time that advice was ignored, so, On behalf of everyone here at HSUGreen, we are SORRY for not posting these past few days, but we had this little thing called "Spring Break" to take care of. And if you're wondering "Why didn't you just post on Monday or even Tuesday?" Well, that is a good question. All in all, you should watch this mildly entertaining video:

Blödes Orchester from white tube on Vimeo.

Here is a little fyi we're tossing your way: the official "theGreenteam" for 2011-2012 has been chosen. The office has been running on very limited staff since November and we've been needing to expand so, we started doing these super intense interviews and ended up with 7 totes rad theGreenteamers. Give it up for:
Kay Shannon, Taylor Horn, Bailey Jarvis, Blake Fox, Katie Whitmore, Michael Cruz, and Allison Robertson! Give them 2 high fives if you see them around. And if you are one of the few people in the entire city that dosent know who they are yet dont worry we'll post sups embarrassing pics next post. All this to say, HSUGreen just got way neater and we are pumped about the next year. You should be too, cause its gonna be a supa fresh time.

Aaaaaand heres some green news:

This little post comes to us from a sweet blog called thekitchn. We mostly have been following them for their foody stuff, but when they started posting botteled water stats like this, "Did you know that 40% of all bottled water is taken from municipal water sources (aka tap water) and it takes three times the amount of water to produce the bottle as it does to fill it?" Our ears perked up like a mouse who smelled some cheese...wait...just read it/do the survey (and dont be one of those people thats all like "im too good to make an account to take this survey, blah blah blah I love montana):

As you may know we here at HSUGreen loooove alternative forms of transportation (that was a lot of big words together) and we super love anything that makes getting around alternatively more cool and more easy. So thanks to our buddies (and by buddies we mean people we would love to know, but we're not cool enough yet) over at Patagonia came up with this sweet little piece, clicky:  

We already told our moms to put these in our stockings this easter.

dats it fo turday!
love the earth- theGreenteam

ps- here is some inspiration in video form. Plus Charlie Chapplin is a total hottie:

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