Now, on to big fish- The Pick your Pic and you Pick a Bottle (it has never been officially named) Contest is over TOMORROW AT 5PM!! So, send your pictures to us at of what you think the back ground of the blog should be (yes this blog) and if we pick your pic you get a FREE Camelbak or Nalgene! booooooom.
ps- the GCW (Giant Chalkboard Wall) is open for biz, i.e. come write on it, you'll never look back.
All HSU Dorms use ECOLogo certified TP!
What is ECOLogo? Wait, are you serious? Ok fine, I copied from their web site: EcoLogoTM is North America’s largest, most respected environmental standard and certification mark. EcoLogo provides customers – public, corporate and consumer – with assurance that the products and services bearing the logo meet stringent standards of environmental leadership.
Its pretty cool huh? So cool in fact, we are deeming today, "Give your butt a high five day! and your roommate too, if they're cool with it" Also we are all calling our mom's and telling them the news, so feel free to do the same.
Is there anything else? Duh. Apply for theGreenteam here:
love the earth- theGreenteam
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