the green list (VIP)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

why is it like seattle outside?

We dont know about you, but all this weather makes us want to do here is take a nap...but the boss man says "No". So instead we took out the recycling, read a bunch of sweet blogs, and found out a bunch of things that we are going to share with you cause we love you...but we just want to be friends...

Like I said we took out the recycling today and then we plugged all the new amounts in to this super computer we bought off e-bay and it told us that since Nov. 1st (our official launch date) through today we have sent 25.01 cy (cubic yards) or 675.4 cf (cubic feet) to recycling. Whaaaa?! Thats enough to fill up a sweet above ground pool with 5,082.706 gallons of Amy's Ice Cream (which is being given away for free today in Austin, Tx via Google and we were so close to a road trip, but then we realized it would be Thursday before we could get there on our bikes...)


Moving on.


Video TIME!

What do you say we wrap this up with a couple of sweet vids? Also we just want to say we have had a wonderful time and would like to see you again... just as friends...

Here is one from our Treehugger friends spit'n the truth about Plastic Marine Pollution. Seriously, stop drinking bottled water kids.

aaaaand here's something a little less educational and a little more dance related:

Raw Energy: Sustainable Dancefloor Weekend from Temple Nightclub on Vimeo.
Count on seeing these at our next block party.

have a good sunfree day.

love the earth- theGreenteam

S.o.t.D.- our hipster pals drop the beat hard.

Friday, March 25, 2011

This post if full of a few cool things...

Its friday friday friday, so we'll make this quick.

Key points:

  • theGreenteam = cool
  • We will be giving something away maybe tuesday....
  • Tomorrow is EarthHour (click the link to go to their site) Turn off your lights at 8:30pm and help make the world more UNdumb. Oh and dont be like these guys...or Montana:

Just flip the switch; you're not too cool.

  • Lastly, we have switched our our number five spot on our "Top Five Dream Sponsors for HSUGreen" to NIKE. What a bunch of bad-butts (for the un-edited version think of the same biblical animal I am...) Check it out...and maybe buy some NIKE stuff too.

See wasn't that quick?!

Now, go get a snow cone or something.


love the earth- theGreenteam

video/song of the day:

fist pump.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You will NOT even believe how UNdumb the world is about to get

There used to be this old lady who worked at a fruit stand by my house that would always yell," DON'T START A LETTER WITH AN APOLOGY!" I have no idea why she felt like that was good advice, but it's time that advice was ignored, so, On behalf of everyone here at HSUGreen, we are SORRY for not posting these past few days, but we had this little thing called "Spring Break" to take care of. And if you're wondering "Why didn't you just post on Monday or even Tuesday?" Well, that is a good question. All in all, you should watch this mildly entertaining video:

Blödes Orchester from white tube on Vimeo.

Here is a little fyi we're tossing your way: the official "theGreenteam" for 2011-2012 has been chosen. The office has been running on very limited staff since November and we've been needing to expand so, we started doing these super intense interviews and ended up with 7 totes rad theGreenteamers. Give it up for:
Kay Shannon, Taylor Horn, Bailey Jarvis, Blake Fox, Katie Whitmore, Michael Cruz, and Allison Robertson! Give them 2 high fives if you see them around. And if you are one of the few people in the entire city that dosent know who they are yet dont worry we'll post sups embarrassing pics next post. All this to say, HSUGreen just got way neater and we are pumped about the next year. You should be too, cause its gonna be a supa fresh time.

Aaaaaand heres some green news:

This little post comes to us from a sweet blog called thekitchn. We mostly have been following them for their foody stuff, but when they started posting botteled water stats like this, "Did you know that 40% of all bottled water is taken from municipal water sources (aka tap water) and it takes three times the amount of water to produce the bottle as it does to fill it?" Our ears perked up like a mouse who smelled some cheese...wait...just read it/do the survey (and dont be one of those people thats all like "im too good to make an account to take this survey, blah blah blah I love montana):

As you may know we here at HSUGreen loooove alternative forms of transportation (that was a lot of big words together) and we super love anything that makes getting around alternatively more cool and more easy. So thanks to our buddies (and by buddies we mean people we would love to know, but we're not cool enough yet) over at Patagonia came up with this sweet little piece, clicky:  

We already told our moms to put these in our stockings this easter.

dats it fo turday!
love the earth- theGreenteam

ps- here is some inspiration in video form. Plus Charlie Chapplin is a total hottie:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jane Goodall and New Jersey

If those two things met at a trade show they would probs say, "Hi, we have nothing to do with each other." (unless Jane has been there, either way just go with it.) But see here's the thing, both of these two have achieved "totes rad" status here in the HSUGreen office, so we must blog about them...duh.

1. Dr. Jane, I will go ahead and post the link to her bio so you can know why you should think she is awesome: Also she just came to Abilene Texas...? Wait, what? Yeah, no joke. She tours 300 days out of the year and some smart person said, "Hey, come here" to which she replied, "Ok." The rest is history. She started "The Jane Goodall Institute" many years ago and as an extension of the a program called "Roots and Shoots" evolved. It is a youth education and activism group that empowers children and adults alike to change the world for good. All that to say, HSUGreen is a R&S advocate. And now you're like, "Wow, that is cool" and we're all like, "Yeah no big deal, but we totally went to workshops, presentations, told her all about HSUGreen, and gave her a hug." theGreenteam's newest member, Jane Goodall...

2. New Jersey. Just wanted to hook them up with some love. According to the latest stats they are 2nd in the US for solar power production and usage, next to California (go figure). So high five NJ, we're real pumped you're not being a Montana. Thanks.


You can replace light bulbs with water bottles....(but you have to cut a hole in your roof...) Either way, this is worth a mention and a watch, as in the video; WATCH THE VIDEO. (plus its in Spanish, which we love. remember, it's not illegal to be bilingual )

Ok, thats enough, especially for the 4th day of the modern week.

love the earth- theGreenteam

Song of the day:

Monday, March 7, 2011


Up until this point we have taken quite a light hearted stance on this blog, but that all stops...NOW. There is a major issue going on in society and we here at HSUGreen will not stand for it. I kid you not ladies and gentlemen, there is legit "Recyclstealing" going on all around us. Here is a breakdown of what happens:

  • Kind wonderful citizen donates a recyclable material to the appropriate bin 
  • That recycling is then collected and taken to the appropriate drop off site
  • Then a horrible vandal approaches the site and steals these recyclable materials before they have the chance to even be recycled!!
We know exactly what you are thinking right now, "How can anything be recycled ever again if it is always being stolen?!" 

This is our point precisely. Which is why we must band together and stop people from this horrifying act! 

Some of you maybe throwing around the silly idea that this "stealing" is only "reusing", but you are wrong.  Allow us to use an example to explain better, "You put your recycling in your bin at home and then once a week someone comes to your house and takes it!" or how about this, "You are about to throw a bunch of paper into the recycling where it belongs and your nosey neighbor asks if he can have it to 'use for something else'"?!?! I bet it seems a bit more realistic and terrifying hitting a little closer to home, huh? 

Here is the bottom line, people: this is all fake. In all reality, please steal from recycle bins. We need to be doing that far more than putting our mass waste into a different container. Oh, and as far as that whole "stopping the light hearted-ness" stuff I wouldn't worry 'bout that too much. I mean, odds are if you have read this much of today's post, you're one of the smartest people ever and saw that pun coming the whole time. 

I dont know if you know, but we totes have a new background. Thanks to the neat person, Bailey Jarvis. She got a free Camelbak. Also Blake Fox (of the fox society) won a free Nalgene for our new facebook profile pic. You can see them both on this page if you just look at it.

You, and this is no joke, YOU can be on theGreenteam and help UNdumb the world. Your school needs you, plus you'll get free stuff later. 
Just Click this: Fill it out. Rinse. and Repeat. (except dont really repeat cause it wastes water) 

Green news highlight for today: "Farming is the new hipster occupation." For all you hipster haters out there, it's time to put down the anti-fixie signs and hug a pair of super low cut V necks. Hipsters might be doing things that "aren't cool" to be cool, but they sure are doing things, which is the point right? Riding bikes, recycling, making their own clothes, and now Farming. So here at HSUGreen we have come together and decided we totally have a crush on hipster activists. Keep up the uncool kids. Here's a Grist article on the very topic:  Any thoughts? 

You're neat.

love the earth- theGreenteam

funny rad vid of the day-

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The other 1/2...

Ok ok so such super success at Thirsty Thursday, but I cant talk about it cause of FERPA.... ha, gotch ya punk (sorry for calling you a punk). It was a rad time down there in the base-hizzy. We just hung and made some new friends....if thats you heres a shout out: SHOUT OUT TO NEW FRIENDS! (if feel like that went well)

Now, on to big fish- The Pick your Pic and you Pick a Bottle (it has never been officially named) Contest is over TOMORROW AT 5PM!! So, send your pictures to us at of what you think the back ground of the blog should be (yes this blog) and if we pick your pic you get a FREE Camelbak or Nalgene! booooooom.
Last chance to win
ps- the GCW (Giant Chalkboard Wall) is open for biz, i.e. come write on  it, you'll never look back.


All HSU Dorms use ECOLogo certified TP!
Bet your butt didnt know this...

What is ECOLogo? Wait, are you serious? Ok fine, I copied from their web site: EcoLogoTM is North America’s largest, most respected environmental standard and certification mark. EcoLogo provides customers – public, corporate and consumer – with assurance that the products and services bearing the logo meet stringent standards of environmental leadership.
Its pretty cool huh? So cool in fact, we are deeming today, "Give your butt a high five day! and your roommate too, if they're cool with it" Also we are all calling our mom's and telling them the news, so feel free to do the same.

Is there anything else? Duh. Apply for theGreenteam here:


love the earth- theGreenteam

1/2 Post...

SO we, HSUGreen, are coming to you live from the basement of Moody center . It's freaking nuts-o down here! So totes sick nasty! wait... whaaa? anyways, just come down here and hang. ill finish the other half of this later...

Check out tha peeeeeeps!!
Tha baaaaaassement!!