the green list (VIP)

Monday, February 28, 2011

We just got the call from upsatirs...

So this is like post 6, which is awesome, but we were just informed that we need to ease up a little. Cause it seems as though the American public cant take more than 3 of these bad boy's a week. Thus, the executive decision was made to limit our blogging to 3 posts a week.
Now, it might not be as bad as it seems:
  • You'll still get three posts
  • They will still be the best thing you have ever pretended to read
  • You can still bookmark this page as the homepage of your web browser to impress your friends
  • PF Flyer's will still make you run faster and jump higher
Remember that time when you could win free stuff? Yeah, seriously: just e-mail us at a .jpeg of what our blog background should be by March 4th and if we pick your idea then you win one of these supa sweet bottles: Because bottled water is SO dumb we're giving away refillable ones.

So now you're all, "I cant believe they talk about the same things all the time, blah, blah, blah!" (and yes I legitimately think that people use the word blah in real life.) Annnnd yes we might re-mention a few things... but it's all free and awesome stuff we want you to have and be a part of!! And now, more redundancy YAYYYY!

Do your self a flavor and Apply for theGreenteam and be one of the people that decides how HSU will become less green-dumb and more green-smart:
The NEW Campaign

Lastly our friends over at the GRIST have done it again. They came up with a plan of how ridding your bike will make you and the US of A re-rich (not only in $$$ but also in character too, aww) check it:

So, in conclusion...ride your bike, but still wave a cars to be nice.

love the earth- theGreenteam

song of the day: Geographer - Night Winds- Live

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