We finished a few things over the weekend.
1. The W.B.CB. (worlds biggest chalk board) is DONE...well except the paint can told us we have to wait 3 days and then color the entire wall with a later of chalk dust...in light of that we sent an e-mail to Obama asking him to deem thursday national W.B.CB. Day or national we are going to color our giant chalk board and then erase it and then write on it Day. We're hoping he goes with the second one. here's what part of it looks like:
2. We took out some personal recycling.
3. Took several naps.
A few updates:
- Since the start of HSUGreen (November 1st 2010) the students, faculty, and staff of HSU have given 13.3 cubic yard of material to be recycled. At this rate we will send enough recycling stuff to recycling to fill up 4 HSU outdoor campus pools. Speaking of which when do those open, my legs are supa white.
- Like our facebook page: http://on.fb.me/fgUMS8 or click over there ---->
- Follow us on twitter: www.twitter.com/hsugreen or click that way ----->
- YOU can be all up in this biz... what I'm trying to say, is that YOU can be on theGreenteam and make calls on what/how HSU becomes Greener. Plus you will get some supa fresh Green Gear. Just apply down below or click here: WWW.bit.ly/GREENTEAM
- Also, this blog needs a background!! send us your ideas in the form of a .jpeg and we'll pick the best one. The person's idea that gets picked gets some of that supa fresh green gear we might have talked about before.
Oh and we will be relocating to Montana, because "Global Warming" is good for them. I know, I know, here we are thinking we need to stop mass CO2 emissions, when really its a GOOD thing! Oh and humans had NOTHING to do with it! Please read it for yourself and consider moving to Montana with us : http://data.opi.mt.gov/bills/2011/billhtml/HB0549.htm
Green Tip of the Day: DON'T BE A MONTANA.
That's should be plenty for today and honestly I'm just glad I was able to type this much, those "Welcome to Typing" classes must be paying off.
love the earth- thegreenteam
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