the green list (VIP)

Monday, February 28, 2011

We just got the call from upsatirs...

So this is like post 6, which is awesome, but we were just informed that we need to ease up a little. Cause it seems as though the American public cant take more than 3 of these bad boy's a week. Thus, the executive decision was made to limit our blogging to 3 posts a week.
Now, it might not be as bad as it seems:
  • You'll still get three posts
  • They will still be the best thing you have ever pretended to read
  • You can still bookmark this page as the homepage of your web browser to impress your friends
  • PF Flyer's will still make you run faster and jump higher
Remember that time when you could win free stuff? Yeah, seriously: just e-mail us at a .jpeg of what our blog background should be by March 4th and if we pick your idea then you win one of these supa sweet bottles: Because bottled water is SO dumb we're giving away refillable ones.

So now you're all, "I cant believe they talk about the same things all the time, blah, blah, blah!" (and yes I legitimately think that people use the word blah in real life.) Annnnd yes we might re-mention a few things... but it's all free and awesome stuff we want you to have and be a part of!! And now, more redundancy YAYYYY!

Do your self a flavor and Apply for theGreenteam and be one of the people that decides how HSU will become less green-dumb and more green-smart:
The NEW Campaign

Lastly our friends over at the GRIST have done it again. They came up with a plan of how ridding your bike will make you and the US of A re-rich (not only in $$$ but also in character too, aww) check it:

So, in conclusion...ride your bike, but still wave a cars to be nice.

love the earth- theGreenteam

song of the day: Geographer - Night Winds- Live

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Early Morning's 10...

2 biggies today...well they are pretty much the same biggies as yesterday...but the sun will come up tomorrow? Ok. Either way, listen up and follow directions, just like "Bop-It", but maybe more fun...

1. HSUGreen is proud to announce the UNdumb the world campaign! Join theGreenteam and lets UNdumb our world. So, YOU, yes, YOU, can apply to be on the one and only theGreenteam, which basiclly means the fate of HSU's Greenness rests on your shoulders...I know its a ton of pressure but we believe in you and want you on the team. So APPLY HERE: or just scroll down to the bottom of the page. If you have any questions on what this is all about, check out the event on facebook:
  The NEW Campaign

2. The "Pick a free Nalgene or Camelbak if we pick you blog background .jpeg" contest!
Ok, this is simple and I think we talked about it last time, but who read that post anyway right...RIGHT?!
  • Think of an idea for a background for this blog, cause fyi, it's just white right now.
  • Make sure your idea isn't lame.
  • Take or get a picture of that idea.
  • "Like" us on facebook: or over there ----->
  • Attach your picture of that idea to an email with your first and last name in it.
  • Send that email to us at
  • Wait until March 4th.
  • Pick your bottle...if you win...duh.
  • KAPISH?!
Because bottled water is SO dumb we're giving away refillable ones.

Don't judge, but we love whales and saving them is good and swimming with them is also good, so if anyone knows someone that maybe knows someone else that could hook us up with some whale swimming time we will give you a free Nalgene or Camelbak for sure...maybe 2.

Ps- Our numbers are up for the month- 6.37 Cubic Yards so far, which puts our total since Nov. 1st up to 16.15 cy. Thats worth a clap and a high five (redeemable at any of your HSUGreen offices...)

Pss- Bye.

love the earth- theGreenteam

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shoot'um straight and the new old contest

2 years ago if you would have stopped me in the street and told me, "there would be free cookies outside my office on Febuary 23, 2011." I would have bought you dinner and said, "tell me more." But no joke it happend today. A young bot came runnign down the hall screaming "FREE COOKIES, FREE COOKIES!!" He then procedid to tell me some story about how he baked them from scratch and blah blah blah, I couldnt hear much over my chewing... Free cookies taste like cookies I payed for too.
ok enough with the cookies already.

we have been getting a lot of questions latly about theGreenteam, i.e.- what it is? what they do? where they live? and it has come to our attention here at HSUGreen that we really havent told you much, so now, we are going to do a segmint called "Shoot'UM Straight" (which I beileve is a duragatory term from the old west, but who knows.)

  • Will consist of up to 8 members. 
  • These members will need to fill out an application and come to an interview (
  • If a student is choosen to be on theGreenteam they will be commited to 1 school year on the team (2 semesters)
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: theGreenteam is literally in charge of deciding how HSU actually becomes a greener place. Weather it's through events, screenings, projects, adding, subtracting, etc... the Green fate of HSU is in their hands (this is all of corse on a basis that can be handeled around school and other oblogations)  
  • If you have any other questions email us at or call 3256701252
  • Hope all this helps, sorry its not in cursive
  • I am not sure what else to say or what to do with my hands...
THE new OLD Contest:
Ok, so you may or may not know that we have a contest going on right now that will end March 4th. THis blog NEEDS a background bad! But, we are waaaay too lazy to find one on google images, so we want you to submit your ideas (please no stealing). Oh yeah and did we say IF WE PICK YOUR SUBMITION THEN YOU GET YOUR CHOICE OF A FREE NALGENE OR CAMELBAK REFILL-ABLE WATER BOTTLE?! cause we should have said that, cause its true. So, email your ideas in .jpeg format to and may the best idea win a water bottle...cause they will.

Todays green news:
  • Dumb=Montana
  • Both of our other news pieces come from our friends over at "grist". Check them out, they super rad green news. As far as today's article goes, it is one of the best articles we have read in a long time, but HSU wants us to tell you,"All words, ideas, and such matters expressed are not a representation of HSU." With that said enjoy dis:
  • Rush Limbaugh opens his fat mouth about Michelle Obama’s fat butt:
  • More bike stuff that we love and might be making an apperance at:

Have a.... fun time ...later...oh gosh...bye

love the earth- theGreenteam

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cinnamon rolls and New greenteam stuff

So it's Tuesday and I'm pretty much the only person in the office. I for sure got some work done, but my desk is covered in icing, cause I eat when I get lonely... speaking of which I have a turkey in the oven so lets make this a quick one. 

  •  Follow us on twitter: or ------------------->
  • Like us on facebook: or --------------------------->
  • Join thegreenteam and get free green gear: or down below.
  • Montana is dumb.
  • If you give us a background idea for the blog and we pick it, you get free green gear.
  • Montana is dumb.
In today's news:

  • I ate a Cinnamon roll
  • I took 2.4 cubic yards of material collected on campus to recycling
  • Came up with the new greenteam campaign that will drop next week, so until then my mouth is shut like my math books from freshman year.
  • According to a new report from the UNEP investing just 2% of global GDP could both alleviate global poverty, set us solidly on the path away from fossil fuels, and cut our collective ecological footprint nearly in half.
  • Montana hasn't learned anything
  • I'm serious, if you join thegreenteam you will get awesome free stuff, like your choice of re-fillable water bottle, stickers, a BAGGU bag, unlimited access to the world biggest chalkboard, and you will be calling the shots on how HSU gets greener. So do yourself a favor and :

We here at HSUGreen are huge fans of the cycling community of the world and support any movement that promotes riding bikes to better love the earth and our fellow people, so bicycle shout out for FEBRUARY 2011 goes to: STREETFILMS!! Just watch this and you'll love um too:

Moving Beyond the Automobile: Biking from Streetfilms on Vimeo.


Well I would say this went pretty well...did I just ruin what we had going on here? I'm just going to can keep the mix tape...

love the earth- thegreenteam

Song of the day:



Monday, February 21, 2011

If Montana says it's true, it must be true.

So, it's monday and you know what that means?! Ok, we seriously have no idea what that means, so if someone could tell us that would be awesome! Thanks.

We finished a few things over the weekend.
1. The W.B.CB. (worlds biggest chalk board) is DONE...well except the paint can told us we have to wait 3 days and then color the entire wall with a later of chalk light of that we sent an e-mail to Obama asking him to deem thursday national W.B.CB. Day or national we are going to color our giant chalk board and then erase it and then write on it Day. We're hoping he goes with the second one. here's what part of it looks like:
2. We took out some personal recycling.
3. Took several naps.

A few updates:
  • Since the start of HSUGreen (November 1st 2010) the students, faculty, and staff of HSU have given 13.3 cubic yard of material to be recycled. At this rate we will send enough recycling stuff to recycling to fill up 4 HSU outdoor campus pools. Speaking of which when do those open, my legs are supa white. 
  • Like our facebook page: or click over there ---->
  • Follow us on twitter: or click that way ----->
  • YOU can be all up in this biz... what I'm trying to say, is that YOU can be on theGreenteam and make calls on what/how HSU becomes Greener. Plus you will get some supa fresh Green Gear. Just apply down below or click here: 
  • Also, this blog needs a background!! send us your ideas in the form of a .jpeg and we'll pick the best one. The person's idea that gets picked gets some of that supa fresh green gear we might have talked about before.

Oh and we will be relocating to Montana, because "Global Warming" is good for them. I know, I know, here we are thinking we need to stop mass CO2 emissions, when really its a GOOD thing! Oh and humans had NOTHING to do with it! Please read it for yourself and consider moving to Montana with us : 

Green Tip of the Day: DON'T BE A MONTANA.

That's should be plenty for today and honestly I'm just glad I was able to type this much, those "Welcome to Typing" classes must be paying off.

love the earth- thegreenteam

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Odds are, most people wont read this...

After literally zero minutes of waiting and many average nights of sleep, the HSUGreen blog is live.

This is a place you can come when you are in desperate need to read, listen, and watch: STUFF. Mainly stuff that we care about, because we are biased and it's our blog, so like uncle Jerry used to say," Don't touch that toe, it's infected!" Inevitably some of this stuff will be about helping fix the earth and about all the "green" stuff on campus, but we wont stop there, oh no! There is much more to be said, so elect a friend to monitor this site at all times in anticipation of one of, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Recipes that can only be made in the microwave
  • Scary stories that are only made up of lies and aren't actually "scary"
  • Comic books
  • Embarrassing intern stories
  • Farmers Almanac Highlights
  • Tips for coloring inside the lines
  • Many more!
  • In fact, if you suggest a topic we will present it to our editors and we'll post a majorly watered down version.

We will update everyday (minus weekends cause we have tons to do and need time to consume electrolytes...)

Basically, today's post can be compared to the grand opening of the best place in the world, but better, and when I say better I mean probably the same or equal to.

2 things to do today:

  1.  Click the Facebook "like" button (but stretch first, 'cause we cannot afford another lawsuit) ---------> 
  2. Apply to be on "the green team" It's down below or just click (either way you can totally get free green gear and banana pudding...but promise to not be mad if there's no pudding) 

If there was ever an appropriate time to end a blog post, that time would be now.

love the earth- thegreenteam

song of the day: Cold War Kids- Mine is Your's (Passion Pit Remix)