oooooook. Here's the deal. We love the earth. and pretty much celebrate that everyday, BUT some wise guy a few years ago asked, "why dont we have one day a year where we throw the earth a huge party?" and then his friend said, "sounds cool." Long story short, "Earth Day" was born. Thanks guys. This year official "EARTH DAY" is on April 22 aka Good Friday (its the one day a year when friday is on decent behavior) and because its so good they close down school. THUS, we almost had to let EARTH DAY go down in a blaze of uncelebrated-ness-ness. So, we made zero phone calls and did pretty much no work other than deciding to move it to Wednesday the 20th. And now you're like, "why did I just read all of that?" And that is a really good question. Bottom line, if you havent read the above for some reason or have and feel like you've wasted your time, just skip ahead to where it says "the good stuff"...
Where: THE SUB
When: on NEW Earth Day Wednesday April 20th @ 11:30-1pm
What: What?! You walk up to our table and we will hand you a free plant in a cup.
P.s.: if your cup plant has a special sticker on the bottom, you will win more free stuff. but we cant tell you exactly what it is yet, but it's free and totes awesome.
The skinny: You + April 20th in the SUB = free plant/earth loving time.
see you wednesday. well, if you show up...either way my smoothie was good this morning.
love the earth- theGreenteam
ps- Jack Johnson will not be there, but if you want to start a rumor that he will, we will totally support that. Also we did book this guy. He'll be dj-ing all day, cause he is awesome... and in our budget...
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